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Showing posts from April, 2019

symptoms of kidney infection

Unfortunately in some cases, the symptoms may not even become present until the condition is critical so this makes knowing and recognizing the symptoms crucial. Here are the top 10 signs of kidney disease that you need to be aware about: 1. Changes in urinary function The first tell-tale sign of kidney disease is changes in the amount of how many times you urinate. You can see a dramatic increase or decrease in the amount of urine you pass at times, you might also notice your urine change into a darker color, you might also feel the extreme urge to urinate but unable to when you get to the restroom.

This 8 wonders of Ginger

Ginger for over 5,000 years ginger was revered as the universal medicine by the Ancient ancestors of China and India and highly sought after by spice traders.  Ginger plant was first discovered in Southeast Asia and is used as a spice in Asian cuisines, however its healing properties did not go and notice in China and in India where ginger is used today to cure various diseases and health problems. Ginger is a good source of magnesium manganese potassium copper and vitamin B6. Ginger is a source of ginger all, which is a relative of capsaicin and has powerful antioxidant capabilities. Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for many years. Now science is finally catching up and researchers around the world are finding out that ginger works wonders in the treatments of various illnesses. So what are the health benefits of ginger?

These 3 natural food fights and kills cancer

1.Tomatoes They taste great and they have cancer fighting properties called lycopene and beta crypto xanthine. Tomatoes actually can cut cancer risk in men for prostate cancer and in women for breast cancer.

British woman arrested in Dubai ‘for calling ex-husband’s wife a horse on Facebook

A British mum faces up to 2 years of prison time in Dubai and a fine of about fifty thousand pounds over a Facebook post she uploaded about her ex-husband's new wife two years ago. 55 years old Laleh Sharavesh was arrested along with her 14 year old daughter, Paris and thrown into a cell when they arrived in the United Arab Emirates.