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Busty teen who allegedly had sex with dozens of police officers sparks new investigation

A Busty teenager has sparked investigation after she alleged sex with dozens of cops on Facebook. 18 year old Celeste Guap, posted and boasted she was involved in a sex scandal with cops.

Sources now have that she may have been involved with the dozens of officers, beginning from when she was an underage.

Celeste Guap has since denied the claim, insisting on Facebook that she only had harmless friendships within the police department.

But elsewhere she wrote  that the only officer she ever messed with when she was underage is sadly gone, she said she doesn't know why the matter is still being brought up. She was referring to the death of officer Brendan O’Brien who committed suicide roughly a year ago.

Now officers have admitted lying in that earlier investigation about their relationships with Celeste Guapa. Spokeswoman for the department, Johnna Watson said the investigation is centered around 3 officers.

Johnna Watson also said "We are entrusted by the community to protect, to serve them and to uphold the law. So we take the allegations very seriously."

The legal age of consent in California is 18 years, meaning that Celeste Guap would have been 16 when she allegedly first slept with an officer.


Anonymous said…
Those are some lucky cops !
Anonymous said…
I'm sure if you start saving your pennies from honest work you too will one day afford an hour or more with a fat midget Mexican whore.
Anonymous said…
Shes not Mexican,but she is a prostitute. Do YOU thInk We ALL LOOK THE same? She's from central america.. where mexicans call them serotes. (Turds,shit)

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