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Madonna's gay brother Defends Kim Davis on her right not to issue gay marriage certificates

Madonna’s brother Christopher Ciccone defends the Kentucky county clerk who declined to issue marriage certificates to gay couples.

Christopher Ciccone, 54 old gay, artist and director wrote on his Facebook post that Kim Davis, currently being jailed for contempt of court, should be allowed not to issue the licenses, given her constitutional ‘religious freedom’.  He said the county clerk, kim Davis deserves as much support as you would give her if she were a muslim woman]who insisted on covering her face and refused not only gay marriages licenses, but divorce, accusations of rape and driving a car without your mans approval. He believed the civil servant had grounds not to follow the law when DOJ and other civil authorities don’t follow federal law when they choose not to, i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) come to mind…or the abstract notion of “sanctuary cities.” I always thought that sanctuary was the province of churches.’

Christopher Ciccone went on to criticize the gay community for feeling ‘the need to be sore winners. ‘Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion?…or must we destroy her in order so that she can betray her faith.’ He further on went to say that no matter how we judge its truth. The rights we have all fought for, mean nothing, if we deny her her right.


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