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Celebrity selfies are damaging young girls, psychologist Tanya Byron voiced out her displeasure

Psychologist Tanya Byron, 49, says sultry poses of female celebrities are teaching worrying lessons about sex and beauty. The Psychologist further expresses her dissatisfaction by saying over-sexual images of stars parading the Television and social media now means that feminism is dead.

Tanya Byron said one of the things that bothers her is the pressure on women. She further said celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, Rita Ora, Beyoncé and Cara are known for posting pictures of themselves in sultry poses and skimpy outfits to their millions of Twitter and Instagram followers. Though she didn't mention the name of any celebrity in her interview.

'But when you look at these curated images you look at these celebrities young women who are posing in a way that is so overtly sexual and their viewers are mostly minors.

These minors are people in their teens whom it is illegal to have any sexual interaction with, and often these celebrities are the ones doing selfies every five minutes in their pants and bras and I just kind of think 'What is this about?'

Tanya Byron said many of the teen fans do not realize this and are sent into a spiral of depression and even eating disorders by their inability to replicate such polished beauty. She further said the situation at hand is the reason we are seeing massive increase in eating disorders and self harming in young people.



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