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Woman born in the 18th Centuries dies at 116

Susannah Mushatt Jones, Born on an Alabama farm in July 1899,  lived through three centuries, through two world wars and 20 US presidencies.

Susannah Mushatt Jones was one of 11 children. Her grandparents were slaves. She attended a special school for young black girls and graduated from high school in 1922.

She moved to New York to work as a nanny, where she helped start a scholarship fund for young African American women. She remained active until the end of her life, serving as a member of the tenant patrol of her nursing home until she was 106.

Susannah Mushatt Jones talking about her health and longevity, she said she always maintained lots of sleep and no smoking or drinking were the main reasons she lived to celebrate her 116th birthday last year.

Last year i n her  interview with Time Magazine, she admitted to eating four strips of bacon with scrambled egg every day.

Her favorite luxury was buying high end lace lingerie, her family said. She reportedly once told nurses during a medical checkup, you can never get too old wearing fancy stuff.


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