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Judge throws woman out of Courtroom for refusing to remove her Headscarf

A woman wearing headscarf, Rania El-Alloul was attending a hearing in Montreal, Canada to recover a car seized by the police when her 21-year old son was caught driving with a suspended driver's licence.

A female Judge, Eliana Marengo asked her to remove her headscarf before the hearing got under way but Rania El-Alloul refused.

The judge then told Rania El-Alloul that the courtroom is a secular place and that Rania El-Alloul is not properly dressed.

The Judge then continued saying that hats and sunglasses are not allowed in the courtroom and that she don’t see any reason why Rania El-Alloul would not remove her headscarf.

The judge then adjourn the hearing because the mother of 3 insists on not removing her hijab.

Quebec justice department officials said there was no specific ban on wearing religious items in court but the regulations insisted on decorum and being suitably dressed.


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