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Cannibal killer shot by police after refusing to stop eating woman he beheaded

Aphiwe Mapekula, 23, was accused of beheading a 35 year old woman and eating her corpse. When the mother of the suspect saw what was happening, she rushed and called the police to the scene. When the police arrived at the scene, the suspect was busy eating the flesh of the woman he had killed.

The police got to the scene and told the suspect to stop eating the woman, but the suspect ignored the police and several warning shots designed to stop him. The suspect then  charged  at the police with a knife, the police opened fire on him.
He was shot in the arm, leg and stomach and was taken to taken hospital.  He is also alleged to have attacked a female medic minutes after being admitted. He died 3 days later at the hospital after having suffered gun shot damage to his body.

The Cannibal's mother, who first raised the alarm when she saw her son attacking Ms Masumpa as she tried to leave their home, told reporters: “I never raised a son like this one. I never imagined this.”

Neighbours say Ms Masumpa worked at the home doing odd jobs and was washing in the backyard when she was attacked by Mapekula. It is the latest incident involving cannibalism in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.


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